Content Writing – A guide for content writing services,
We the generation of the 90s have witnessed some extraordinary evaluation of the world. We have experienced a 1024*768 size to 0.3mm size desktop computer, land phone to supper slim mobile phone, obscure film camera to supper fast digital camera which is capable of capturing every microsecond of a subject.
In these circumstances, people like to have all information about anything just by a click. The power of massages has increased. And this is the place from where the concept of content writing and content marketing grows.
What is content writing?
What if someone grabs you a piece of pen and paper and gives you a topic to write? Sounds not that simple, right? Hold on, don’t give up so early, because content writing is not as tougher as it looks. Mind setup is the first stairs to generating powerful content and knowing what content writing is the very next point of this process.
Describing or explaining something creating value to the person you have chosen to communicate is content. Now who do you want to communicate, how you do want to communicate and what do you want to communicate about is the issue. If you are a professional writer then topics and the idea about the targeted audience should be given by the person or company who has hired you. The way of presenting the idea is up to you, this the area of freedom where a writer can show their talent.
Types of Content writing:
This Digitalized era has given us the opportunities of explaining our thoughts in different ways. You can visualize the idea for the audience or simply write it down. Article Writing, Blog post, website content, Product description, Newspaper writing, social media post, creative writing, technical writing, etc. are some other names of content writing. Those people who like to invest less time but want to know more about video content. They do not like to pay more attention to reading. On the others side, individuals who like to go deep into facts and are ready to invest more time to know more love the writing concepts.
Though these two are the same in nature. The steps are simple like choosing a topic, doing research, planning moves, and executing the thoughts. Additional work like amazing video work, graphics design, and editing make the idea a new thrill.
Article Writing:
Different media requires different writing styles. Suppose you are reading a newspaper or a press release and the writing covers not much but a few showy marketing words, how will you feel about it? Not that only, even when a social media post takes more than two minutes to finish, it started to bother you.
Article writing is that kind of writing where the writer does deep research, touches every important point of the subject, and writes details about it. It fills with lots of important information which may prove valuable in the future.
The media where this kind of writing published doesn’t count words but the detailed explanation. Press release, newspaper writing, magazine writing, SEO writing, journal writing are the example of article writing.
Website Content writing:
Website content is another form of content. A website is like an online office or address where people can find you. It’s the same as your New York office, the only difference is one is touchable the other is not.
In some cases, a website can explain more about your business and attracts customers more than your typical business address. People build websites to potential buyers know about them, their business, product & services.
They also use it as a medium of product promotion and try to reach as many people as they can. To attract traffics and engaged them with your business for a long time good communication text is important. If you cannot explain your product properly in front of an audience your competitor may take your place soon.
So there is no other option than to create impressive content to make a long-lasting impression on your customers. Website content is far more important than the others. One who writes this kind of content should gather sound knowledge about what they are writing and for whom they are writing.
Fuzzy knowledge can harm clients’ reputations badly. Website content needs to be easily understandable. The write-up should cover the motive of the company, the mission, vision, history, the services and products of the company, etc. It should look like a complete plate where every item stays in order and look appealing.
Companies found comfort in working with people who know their business genuinely, so there is a chance of working repeatedly with the same companies.
Blog Content Writing:
A blog is a bit different than the other writing media. It is the place where you can express your thoughts. The writings are more life-related here and it is a strong platform for communicating with people. Here readers expect more engaging topics that may relate to their life, circumstances & thoughts.
It conveys effective information to the readers in a conversational style. People can share their daily life or write poems, novels, or anything creative on this platform. It is free and can work like your diary which is also a reason behind its popularity.
Product Description & review writing:
A product without any description is like a car without petrol. An attractive product description makes goods attractive to customers. Writer, who creates this kind of content need a solid sense of products they are dealing with.
What is that product all about, the benefits, the codes of conduct, and why it stands special from the others are those corners that product content writers need to fill up? This kind of writing doesn’t require too much creative touch or conversational mold. Just need to stick to the point and gave an effective description of a certain product or service.
Recent google update product description & reviews are more expertise write up or Enthusiastic people which should comply with EAT. More research and credibility must use in the product description and review writing.
Social Media content writing:
It is quite impossible to avoid the influence of social media in this fast-growing networking era. People literally glue up with laptops or mobile phones. So, it is now the easiest way to knock on their door via these social Media if you do have some business with them. It sounds simple cause who doesn’t know about posting on social media, right? But, hey, do you know how to reach targeted people?
It’s not easy been shown up among thousands of posts. To ensure your visibility you need to know strategy, social media algorithm, technics and how to write. Professionals know that people like life-related stories, they love to be a part of your personal experiences or thoughts. Suppose you are selling wedding rings.
You can share your own wedding story or how you proposed. This little but touching information will help to get a warm place in people’s hearts. Emotional, positive, and success story grabs people’s attention easily. Also, you need to come clear to them about your products or services. Remember fake impressions last only a few seconds.
Adding eye-catching graphics work or video also a good concept of marketing. Every social media has its own style. It’s not easy creating impressive posts within limited characters or using hashtags appropriately or posting frequency. There are some social platforms where posting time also matters. Hiring experts who are educated about these platforms and know all the patterns is a good option that should be chosen. Those professionals will hold hands in creating your successful social media image.
SEO based content writing:
If you are intending to write content and don’t hold any knowledge about SEO then it could harm your profession in the future.
In the current world, most of us become dependent on digital media. There is no option left but act caring about search engines before publishing anything on the internet. The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. That means Search Engines like Google optimize your content before showing it to the searchers. SEO content is the combination of good content and good SEO. In one line, you have to satisfy the man and machine both! There are couples of things that need to care about SEO content:
Keyword research:
What we write on the search bar to search something is called keywords. A keyword is the key to SEO content. Choose the best keywords that relate to your product or service and that searched by more people. There are a bunch of websites that will help you find the best keywords related to your business.
Use strong headlines/ Title:
A strong Title can set your writing apart from others. Use effective keywords on the headline to grab google’s attention too. It is like an envelope that caries your invitation, so focusing on the headline is essential.
Short But connecting Meta description:
The meta description is also a very important part Of SEO. An appealing description that may the shorten form of your writing is called Meta description. It shows on the search result right below the headline. Reading great meta can easily increase CTR (Click through Rate) which helps SEO. This is the reason it’s considered valuable in SEO despite not directly helps Rank in search results.
Build a complete structure:
Long write-ups get more attention from search engines. But using inappropriate words is a lame strategy. Give your content a full look, describe every detail about your topic, and do that in a well-found way. Write content in compliance with E-A-T by Google.
Pay attention to your readers:
Even though you rank higher and able to grab the first page in the search engines, your ultimate goal won’t be fulfilled if you didn’t write for your readers. Before start writing keep in mind that whom you are writing for.
The interest varies with age and profession. Writers need to consider that and write according to the reader / customers. Focus on the targeted audience, create interesting valuable content and give it a communicative look, it will be easy to reach Targeted Audience and create SEO-friendly content.
Add Link:
Adding links is another conventional trick to rank higher on search engines. You can add your own website link, blog link, or some specific article link. Google appreciates sharing other authors’ articles too. Sharing other’s links helps to create a writer’s community, it provides more relevant writing to readers.
Keywords density:
In SEO content keywords play a vital role. You are allowed to use keywords in your write up but excessive use of keywords may drag your content to last place at search engine. There is a ratio of applying keywords according to the length of content. You can apply related words instead of using the main keywords.
Duplicate writing:
Most of the time when you choose a subject to write it already exists on google. Google doesn’t like a copycat. So if you copy any concept or write up google will easily find out it and punish you by blocking your website or kicking you out at the bottom. To impress your audience and search engine you have to come with fresh ideas, introduce your personal style and avoid delicacy.
Use Social Media:
The ultimate influence of social media platforms can help your content rank higher. If you share the link of your website or content to your social media handles frequently, it will drive original traffic to your webpage. Also, you can write something fresh for your social media friends and adding the link to your webpage just to remember them that they can find more resources about the discussed concept on the mentioned link.
Visualize your thoughts: Colors and pictures seize the attention easily. It also helps to rank in, but a genius picture description is also required. Adding some text onto the images or videos is considered innovative. So using images in SEO content has proven to be a wise thing to do.
Suppose you are a businessman and you want to sell a product. Now, you need a voice to represent you and tell your targeted audiences why they should buy from you. Copywriting is a written version of marketing. It explains your products or services onto any platform you required.
Whether you need it to publish on printing media or online platforms it can cover both. A copywriter can switch their writing mood easily. They have no boundaries whether they have to write website content, article, and blog post, social media post, or product descriptions.
Even some of them can write book or novel and drama scripts. When it comes to product promotion, they are able to present every detail of your products to potential buyers. How the product produced, where it is available, how to use it, or where people can submit their product-related complain are those areas that cover-up by copywriting.
Copywriting needs in every marketing and professional place. If you want to make a video you need a script, if you create an image message you are gonna need it. Even if you want to deliver an oral speech about your product or service in front of a crowd you cannot hold the stage for two minutes without an engaging script.
Promotion is the main reason for copywriting but it is not necessary to ask people to buy your product directly. There are many creative ways where you can drive people’s attention to your products without telling them to buy your product directly. A good copywriter locks the targeted customer through their eye-catching, well-described content. Any kind of technical thing which gets some incomprehensible terms, it is the copywriters who make those terms understandable and place it in front of customers. People left no question after going through the content and easily decide whether they need the product or not.
Difference between content writing & copywriting:
A salesman wants to reach their targeted customers and both above-mentioned strategies can help them to get that. But there are some sorts of differences between the expression and intention.
Copywriting is marketing and this marketing technic is used from the ancient period. You may wonder how even this possible, but if you pay some attention you can see copywriting everywhere around us. We all find some pedlars on the street who try to seize people’s attention by using charming words, music, or poetry.
Don’t you think those words, music, or poetry are examples of copywriting? You find a video about how people should behave with women at the workplace on international women’s day and at the end of the video a brand name appears. The whole storytelling is copywriting.
Each and every message that directly points to any product or service brand is called copywriting. In the early period, these messages delivered in a direct way but now marketing is not just a way of selling products it’s an art. So copywriting becomes more artistic than before.
A copywriter needs to be concerned about the audience’s demand and should come up with exceptional ideas. Product description, ads scripts, commercial promotional speech, web content, social media post, video scripts, Placards, billboards writing are some examples of this kind of content. It’s short in nature. The writers should be careful about the words as they have to fulfill the whole thoughts or story within some limited characters.
On the other side, Content writing is like a test cricket match. It generates organic audiences to your website or page without telling them directly to buy your product. It helps to build customer trust towards your company, engage them by providing vital knowledge and information and guide them where they can get their required products and services easily. Here, word limitation doesn’t bother.
Article writing, blog writing, press release, Website content writing, etc. are some of the examples of content writing. It’s a slow process so it can promise to bring authentic traffics to your page but cannot promise to sell the products instantly. But over time, these traffics will be known as a loyal customer to the company. SEO is an important part of this writing. A content writer should have deep knowledge about SEO. Remember that, if your content does not show, the possibility of reaching people may destroy at the beginning.
Content marketing vs. content writing:
Content marketing is the plan and content writing is the material. Both are related to each other. Writing is created considering readers in mind. The purpose of writing will be fulfilled only after reaching the audience whom you write for. Writing is a creative term where you are trying to say something to people, try to communicate with them, and intend to drive them towards something you are expecting for.
Marketing is the opposite, it is fully a promotional activity. Content is also considered a product in the marketing field. In traditional marketing, salesmen carry their products to every potential place where they can find potential customers for the products.
It is the same in content marketing too. It completes the purpose of writing by reaching the targeted people. Since the purpose is incomplete without each other, it is important to keep in mind marketing while writing something. With an intention of publishing content on online media, you need to write an SEO-friendly write-up. If you write content and google find it duplicate, or if your whole content suffers from keyword stuffing there is no point in writing in electronic media.
But on printing media, these things do not count. Marketing steps should also be taken with a consideration of the writing pattern. If an extra-large article posted on social media, people will scroll the page without paying any attention. But the same content when posted on a blog or website it will be appreciated by people.
The impact of Content writing on Digital marketing:
Digital marketing is the term that added an extra feather of marketing. It removes the limitation of traditional marketing. Now a businessman can get through their potential customer’s door and ring their doorbell within some minutes. Content is playing a vital role in these marketing activities. In digital marketing, a powerful message can be used as a powerful weapon. Here, you need not explain separately about your product to each of your customers.
You have to research customer’s needs first and what questions they might have about your products or services. Then collaborate on all the information and bring it in your write-up. The whole digital marketing concept is dependent on good content. It considers a raw material and the most essential part of digital marketing.
Content marketing Service:
Writing is a skill where every word represents you. No matter how good your product is it cannot get people’s attention if you do not present it properly. You might notice the packets of chips or biscuits are brighter and more colorful than others. It just not because it gives them a good look. There is a major marketing strategy behind it. A colorful wrap can easily get people’s attention and as a product seller what more could you ask for than the attention?
One can decide to represent his/her product with her own pen. But a good businessman doesn’t have to be a good writer, does he? There are so many companies, agencies, and freelancers who can write for you to represent your product or services in an innovative and demanding way. They research about the marketplaces, the customer phycology, and Social media trending regularly.
They also do SEO and keyword research for their clients. They use all their knowledge to make engaging, SEO-friendly, and outstanding content. Some of them offer writing only, some help in the whole marketing process. You can choose any of the services according to your requirement. Many Asian companies come up with the idea of providing content and content writing services.
New Digital noise, whisper, point, Inkoniq, Kreta Global, Smaato, Fishman Hillard, Shape communication worldwide, are some name of those Asian agencies that offer this kind of service. If you are a beginner and don’t want to spend much on the content you should avoid hiring the popular one. There are several companies that may not gain that much popularity but can deliver as smart content as you want. Shape communication BD is an Asian-based Bangladeshi Agency that has been working as a brand sharpener since 2010 and now offering content writing and digital marketing services with that same dedication and humbleness.
Content writing in Bangladesh:
Though Bangladesh is a third-world developing country, the progress it in the digital marketing sector is appreciable. With the support of the Bangladesh Government, this sector is growing every day and has started to grab an admirable place in the global digital marketing field. As we know Digital marketing is incomplete without good content.
The truth is we need some more time to establish in the content writing and content marketing field. But some agencies and freelancers keep trying and providing standard content writing services around the world successfully. Content in Bangladesh writes both in Bangla and English language. There are sorts of companies that use Bangla content to reach local customers. English content used in SEO-friendly writing or international write up. Shape communication bd is one of those promising agencies that successfully delivering world-class content to customers around European countries like the UK & USA.
Price of content: The price of content is not fixed. It varies among the agencies and individuals. It also depends on the currency. You can hire a writer on hourly payment terms or pay them depending on the number of words. The hourly rate lies between $15 to $ 80, the rate can be changeable according to the expertise and experiences of the writer. A beginner can charge $ 0.01 to $0.50 per word, where an experienced writer demands $ 0.50 to $1 for per word. Since it is a service-based work the price can be changeable.
Most trustworthy Source of Content Writing
We might hire a direct employee for Content writing. We might outsource the job as well. There are so many Agencies giving content writing services.
Only a few great agencies that can give Content writing with SEO services especially in a Global space. In that aspect, Shape Communications is the best choice in terms of Value for Money, a Global Standard job at a local Cost!
The importance and effectiveness of content in the business world cannot be explained with limited words. It is just the begging of the evaluation of content marketing. It is not that far when content will role the business world. So, it is high time to focus on good content for your business.
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